Friday, September 21, 2012


STOMP returns to Segerstrom Center for the Arts (October 9-14, 2012) bringing its unique combination of percussion, movement and visual comedy.

To heighten the STOMP experience, there will be two great ways to become further involved: STOMPing Grounds and STOMP Out Hunger.

Patrons can become unofficial STOMPERS by participating in the pre-show activity STOMPing Grounds, 75 minutes before all performances at Founders Hall. Those participating are given the opportunity to jam out with found items similar to props used in the show.

Another great opportunity while doing some good and helping out right here in Orange County is to join the fight and STOMP Out Hunger. As part of the STOMP Out Hunger initiative, patrons are encouraged to bring canned goods with them which will be donated to Second Harvest Food Bank.

For more information please click here.
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Tuesday, September 11, 2012


The Little Mermaid © Holger Badekow
Swan Lake © Gene Schiavone
There are 3,000 seats in Segerstrom Hall. Chances are, we’re not always the only one there solo. So if you love dance and ballet and for whatever reason cannot gather up your family and friends for a night-out, why not Join the Corps?  Members of the Center’s new Dance Corps  are subscribers to the Dance Series who purchase subscriptions for one. You’ll be seated with other Center ‘soloists’ who share your passion for dance. You meet new friends and see them throughout the year. You can find out more by calling the Center’s box office at (714) 556-2787 or visit If ever there was a reason to pirouette with joy!
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Ashley Werhun, John Michael Schert, Travis Walker
Trey McIntyre Project © Lois Greenfield
Rodin © Gene Schiavone

Monday, September 10, 2012

Festival of Children 2012

Center Docents Bill Moodie, Lou Ann Frederick and Maureen McLaren represented the Center at this year’s Festival of Children, which is held each year at South Coast Plaza. The Festival of Children Foundation helps to improve the lives of children by developing and strengthening our community’s important network of charities and businesses that serve our young people. Our docents told visitors about the Center’s artistic and education programs. Educational outreach from Segerstrom Center served nearly 320,000 people this past year. Docents also welcome guests to the Center for free public and private tours each week. For more information about the tours, visit
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Friday, September 7, 2012


David Byrne and St. Vincent’s new album Love This Giant is out and receiving rave reviews. Sharing the love, the Center is bringing the dazzling duo to the Renée and Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall on October 12.

Check these notices: “Love This Giant improves and deepens on each listen. Byrne and Clark have managed to not only meet, but exceed expectations, and created one of the year’s smartest albums in doing so.” 

“Distinctive enough to be a new entity, smart enough to fall back on a few familiar charms. St. Vincent and David Byrne have brought out the best in each other - they should do this more often.”


Tickets are now available, please click here for more information.
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