Monday, December 21, 2009

Roll With It Dude

This past weekend? The Center’s community plaza? Was, like, transformed into a totally free roller skating rink to celebrate the hit musical Xanadu, which kicked off its national tour here. Dozens of roller skaters had, like, a blast strutting their stuff around the outdoor “rink.” The music was the soundtrack of the most tubular songs from the ‘80s. Some of the rad participants even skated their way to the Center while others, like, rented skates from the fine folks at Down & Derby. Check out more photos below of the roller skaters having a totally ultimate time! The ‘80s-inspired Xanadu continues through December 27. (Photo above: Deanna and Nia Lambert from Costa Mesa.)

Photo above: RJ and Shannon Smith from Huntington Beach
Photo above: Makenzie Gomez from San Pedro and Jill Herrera from Long Beach

Photo above: Michele Morris from Orange
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