Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Twenty-two lucky local children and adults were cast as supernumeraries (also known as extras) to appear in the Royal Danish Ballet’s new production of the comic ballet Napoli, which made its American debut over the weekend in Segerstrom Hall. After auditioning last week, the selected supernumeraries attended rehearsals and appeared in four performances with the legendary company. The photos show the supernumeraries in costumes after a rehearsal. If you are interested in receiving information on future audition opportunities for supernumerary roles, please email auditions@SCFTA.org.

Photos by Dave Leavenworth

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1 comment:

  1. I was the Italian grandma female adult extra. It was a wonderful experience with an incredible cast of local talent plus the dancers and crew of the Royal Danish Ballet. A truly priceless experience! It pays to keep current with all that goes on at the Center! Thank you!
