Monday, August 6, 2012

Summer School Success with Arts Teach

Summer school came to a successful end as students from Saddleback Valley Unified School District completed a special arts education program that lasted four weeks. The students, who are second language learners ranging from second to eighth grade, gained access to arts education that would otherwise be unavailable during or after school for most. Students took two classes a day for four days a week.

They delved into art technique and learned how to express themselves creatively while studying other subjects such as history and math through integrated art lessons.  Research proves the gap between native and second language learners often widens during summer months when students are not in school. This program provides opportunities for students to practice formal English language skills ranging from speaking, listening, reading and writing, which will help close that achievement gap. 

For more information about the Center’s Art Teach program please click here.
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John Zeretzke demonstrating music to third graders

Andrew Grueschow leading students in session

1 comment:

  1. Why do we have summer school for our children? Look at the savings in our school taxes. If the student doesn't learn
