Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Summer at the Center Brings Lives to Life!

The Center’s annual Summer at the Center program for students in Orange County ACCESS schools triumphed again! Every year, the program culminates in several performances of a musical revue they work on for two weeks. 

On Friday, August 2, they unveiled this year’s show and received an enthusiastic standing ovation from family, friends, teachers, underwriters of the program and Center board members. Among the special guests was Dr. Al Mijares, Orange County Superintendent of Schools. 

President Terry Dwyer, Dr. Al Mijares and SATC star.
This award-winning program utilizes the arts to inspire, motivate and provide high-risk and underserved youths with opportunities to interact in positive ways with their peers. A musical theater format employed by professional teaching artists creates a fun and creative environment that also encourages productive dialogue and introspection. 

Jarmin Roach, David and Diane Steffy, Karl Copas with kids. 
Daily sessions include singing, dancing and acting lessons. Throughout the years, SATC has demonstrated that the arts can play a strong and positive role in developing personalities, attitudes and coping abilities. Guest speakers, such as musicians, actors, directors and program alumni help reinforce what the students are learning. This year, Cheri Steinkellner, Emmy, Golden Globe and Writers Guild Awards honoree and one of the creators of the Broadway hit SISTER ACT the Musical spent a day working with the kids.

Tom and Naomi Moon with a SATC star.

All photos by Doug Gifford.

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